A Passionate, Highly Qualified Child Trauma Therapist

My specialty is trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) and problematic sexual behavior (PSB) related to trauma.

TF-CBT teaches children to see scary, hurtful, or shameful experiences in new ways. TF-CBT also teaches the importance of safety and communication, and helps children move beyond traumatic life experiences to healthy functioning.

PSB is any sexual, developmentally inappropriate, or aggressive behavior between children under the age of 12. TF-CBT for PSB views the child as a child with problematic sexual behavior. Not a sex offender or sexual predator. 

Focus is on teaching the child and key figures the importance of behavior management skills, education, and rules around sexual topics, relationship building, and vigilance about social interactions, impulse control, and problem-solving. 

Body-Based Wellness

Trauma affects every system in the body. Symptoms can include headaches, loss of appetite, changes in mood, sleep habits, behavior, and negative self-talk or negative self-esteem.

Alone or in combination, these symptoms take a toll on overall functioning. The whole body. Wellness is not a matter of fixing just one system. 

Balance is found in stability between the mental and emotional, and physical and cognitive systems of the whole body. When we activate different parts of the brain through movements like dance, yoga, art, writing, music, and other forms of expression, we begin to repair what was damaged by trauma.

Certified Spiritual Life Coach

As a spiritual life coach, I help individuals build better relationships. First with themselves, and second with others. 

Do you know who you are most like in the bible? Do you model greatness? Do you easily establish control? Do you internalize or overthink outwardly? The answers to these questions influence how you understand and interact with others. 

Again, by delving deeper into their connection to God and His word, individuals understand themselves in relation to God. This relationship helps them understand others and relate better.

If you are interested in learning more, contact me.